Eating fresh food is possibly the best choice you can make in your life. Fresh food has the smallest amount of bacteria and pesticides possible, making it a very healthy choice. Canadian farmers markets provide you with the freshest food available and for great prices too. Fresh, farmers meat is typically ten times the quality of supermarket food, there’s no added preservatives or bloating water, and the meat is much fresher.
Supermarket vegetables are typically covered in pesticides; not only that by they are usually genetically modified variants of the original vegetable. The safety of GM foods has been disputed for many years now, but it is becoming apparent that there may be something very wrong with them. If you leave a natural corn cob in a basement full of rats, next to a GM cob, the next morning you’ll find the natural cob eaten, and the GM cob untouched. GM corn also kills flies almost immediately, if a rat won’t eat it, and it instantly kills a fly, what’s it doing to you?
With fresh Canadian food you have the benefit of speaking to the person who sourced your food, they can tell you when it was harvested or killed, when and where it was prepared, and exactly what goes into it. Sourcing your food directly from a Canadian farmers market means that you cut out the middle man. Supermarkets buy the meat form the farms and then do all sorts of things to it, this won’t happen if you buy it direct. You deserve to know exactly what’s going into your food.
The variety of fresh produce you can source in Canada is staggering, and you can even source fresh wine for you meal; meaning you never have to make a trip to the supermarket again. It makes sense to cut out the middle man and eat exactly what you pay for; prime quality, fresh food, with no nasty extras. Fresh food also tends to be a lot cheaper than at the supermarket, as you cut out all handling and delivery costs that the supermarkets have to add.
Organic food is beneficial for you and your family, so it’s wise to source it over supermarket, processed brands. If you want the healthiest and most prosperous future for your family then it makes sense to buy fresh. Thanks to finding fresh food is now easier than ever. The site hosts list upon list of fresh farmers markets and suppliers in Canada, with addresses, phone numbers and reviews to boot. You can now find all of the best farmers markets in one place and see for yourself if they are worth it. Don’t shop at a supermarket if you don’t want thousands of chemicals in your food, shop at a fresh Canadian market; the future you will thank you. Fresh food also tastes better than supermarket food, fact. You don’t notice the chemical taste in supermarket food until you eat something fresh. With cheaper prices and better quality food, it makes sense to source your meat and vegetables fresh from the farmer.