British Columbia,2125 Sweder Rd.,Prince George,V2N5Z4,Canada
U-PICK SALES BEGIN JULY 17. CHECK BACK HERE OR ON MY FACEBOOK PAGE 'SWEDER BERRIES U-PICK' TO SEE IF RASPBERRIES ARE READY TO PICK AND HOURS OF OPERATION. THERE WILL BE SASKATOONS FOR SURE.We have many different varieties of raspberries, blueberries and saskatoons for you to pick, ready over a 2 month season. With so many varieties,they don't all ripen at once. Best raspberry picking is the last week of July and first three weeks of August when all varieties are producing ripe fruit. Blueberries are ready late July to early September and Saskatoons in early July for about 3 weeks. ALL BERRIES ARE PESTICIDE-FREE.For picking tips visit: the Google map! We are located about 40 km south of Prince George on Hwy 97S. Turn right on Sweder Rd. Watch for signs. Drive to the end of the road, about 2 km.
British Columbia,2125 Sweder Rd.,Prince George,V2N5Z4,Canada
35834 Cariboo Highway, Prince George, British Columbia V2N 5Z6, Canada
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