Alberta,46228 Range Road 213,Camrose, AL,T4V1X2,Canada
Gladiolas last 2 weeks in August and September until frost hits; Frozen fruit pies are available while supplies last; Call for selection of fruit pies sold; Can be delivered to Camrose.We use natural practices, but are not seeking organic certification.Payment: Cash, only. Gladiolas are for sale in late August and September until frost hits them. Frozen fruit pies are available. Please call for selection of fruit pies.Please bring your own pails for picking in. Also have we pick 1 litre and 2 litre containers for you to purchase.
Alberta,46228 Range Road 213,Camrose, AL,T4V1X2,Canada
46235 Range Road 213, New Norway, Alberta T0B 3L0, Canada
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